Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A More Secure Password

Passwords are meant to secure accounts, be it local or public. The kind of password you incorporate determines how secure you are. But let me just say that no one is ever "too secure". If a hacker decides that he wants to access your account, it might take him years, but he just might eventually get through with it. The purpose of this article is to make you aware that your online or local(computer) account is not as secure as you may think it to be. The best ways to create "strong" passwords are listed below: 1. Do not use passwords that relate to you in any way: This is so because people, who will normally want to hack your account, are mostly your close companions. **Don't be shocked, that's how the world is** Anyway, back to business. The reason being that people would like to use easy-to-remember passwords. Which of course is something or someone really "dear" to them. It could even be a nickname. 2. Do not use passwords that can be "found" in the dictionary. Why? Simple. Most of the software that hackers employ in their "work" employs a function that searches through an entire dictionary database to find possible word combinations. This method is known as brute-forcing. Try using words that are not so "familiar" with the dictionary. Try using other language characters. 3. Also, you shouldn't use one case for your passwords. Try mixing up upper and lower case characters. It helps. Something like “gOcpuComPUter” could be useful 4. Never save your passwords on sites, unless you're the ONLY one who has physical access to your computer. Nonetheless, a hacker could scan through your computer remotely in thus access the stored password on your local computer.

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